Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fun Stuff

Some of my Favorite Pics of Aaron. He is really into eating. He loves this mesh thing filled with food. He cries and cries when I have to take it away. Even if it is just to fill it up with more food.

This is what happens if I leave the wipes on the ground. I knew something was up when it got really quite. I look over and Aaron had taken out all of the wipes and was sucking on the. Gross!

This is Aaron after I took the wipes away. He has really become a "baby". Crying when he doesn't get his way.

We have been really busy lately. Napoleon is going to school at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He also goes to mutual on Wednesdays, so needless to say, I look forward to the weekends!!! Actually I down right love them. Too bad he is going to Puerto Rico this weekend. Boo Whoo!!!
Well Aaron is growing up so fast. My sister keeps reminding me that he will be 1 in 2 1/2 months. Man does time fly. I am already thinking of birthday ideas. He is so much fun to have around.
This is Aaron getting his first haircut. I wanted to try to wait, but it was getting too long! My mom a.k.a. momo cut it. He was really good. Very curious about what she was doing. He is such a handsome boy


Katie and Josh Fairbanks said...

Jordan does the same thing with the wipes! I have to "hide" them after I'm done using them because he always goes and sucks on them. What a weird thing to do!!!

thecaillouets said...

my kids loved to suck on the wipes too. go to my blog and click on my mom's cakes on the side bar. that might give you some ideas. he is such a handsome boy