Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a really great Easter weekend. This is what happened.....
My parents came down and we went to the French Quarter. Did a little shopping at the French Market and got our grub on at Central Grocery. Yummy Muffulettas!

Who goes to the French Quarter without Beignets??? Not us! Aaron loved them.

My parents ended up staying all day. We went to dinner at Slice then ended our evening at Plum Street Sno balls! I would recommend any cream flavored snoball. Oh and on a side note, my eye looks awful because my sweet Aaron had pink eye and being the compassionate, loving, adoring mother that I am. I took care of him and got it myself. I am just trying to make myself feel better for not being as cautions as I should have been. (I actually have it in both eyes now)

Napoleon and his mom ran in the Crescent City Classic. They said it was really fun. I wish I would have got into shape to run it with them.

Easter Sunday...

The Easter Bunny brought this awesome car to Grandma and Grandpa Ortiz's house. Aaron was in love with it. He is getting so big. He can can on and off all by himself. I love is outfit.

The Ortiz Family

I don't know if I think this it just because I am Aaron's mother, but dang that is one good looking kid!

So we had an awesome weekend. I loved having Napoleon home every night. He had spring break so after work he got to come home and be with the family. School is almost out for the semester, but we all know that the last weeks are usually the busiest. I guess I can endure it. I am so proud of him for being such a good student, but yet keeping his family happy. Ok enough with he mushy stuff.
I just wanted to say that I love Easter. I love this time to think about Christ. I know that he lives. We sang that hymn in church yesterday, "I know that my Redeemer lives". What a beautiful message... He lives!


Jenn said...

Aaron is such a cute kid. I love his Easter outfit. Great choice. Looks like yall had a blast down at he French Quarter. I still have never eaten at Central Grocery. The line is always so long I never am patient enough.

mccready's said...

No, you're right. He's a dang good looking kid! Especially in his little vest. He looks like a little man. A good looking little man!

Ron Mangels said...

Hey ya'll, I check out a few blogs when I visit my daughter's blog to see what some of the younger people I know are doing. Anyway what trip to the Quarter isn't complete without a trip to Central grocery for a muffaletta and biegnets from Cafe Dumonde! Those are our two favorites whenever we visit down there. Nice looking family also. Enjoyed seeing you Nappo at conference last week. Take care