Monday, March 22, 2010

Pictures Pictures

I had to post some of our pictures.

I am now 38 weeks pregnant and just waiting for a baby to come. We all thought he would be here by now. I am 3 cm and have been for 2 1/2 weeks. So, I guess he is just a big tease. We are getting more and more excited and also more and more exhausted just thinking about a newborn and an almost 2 year old. Well enjoy the pics.


mccready's said...

Yeah I was wondering if you had any news... I'll keep checking! :)

Becky T said...

Oh boy, you're so close! I can't wait to hear the news. Good luck on the home stretch!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are so cute!! I can't believe between you and Leanne there will be 5 boy cousins! Talk about trouble in a few years :) I can't wait to see pictures of the new little one..Hang in there!