Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day

My little monkey

At the Aquarium

We had a really good Labor Day. We went to the Aquarium, made hamburgers for dinner, had friends over for swimming and pina coladas. It was a good day.
I have to mention that Aaron is getting so big. I love his little personality and love watching it blossom. Some things he has been doing lately...
  1. Stomps his foot when he hears music
  2. Claps when the music is over
  3. everything and anything becomes drumsticks
  4. He gives me 'besos', especially after napoleon gives me besos
  5. Loves being outside
  6. Sits in his wagon and looks through books
  7. Loves his family and cries everytime someone he loves walks out the door

I love my boy.


mccready's said...

What a sweet boy! I'm so happy that he and Jacob can be little friends together in nursery. :)

Anonymous said...

I must admit that Aaron is really a beautiful boy. Cute and beautiful with those amazing blue eyes! You and Napo must be so proud!